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Leeds Half Marathon

14 Jul 2024

In May Sian ran the Leeds Half Marathon in aid of the JSFT, 21.3km of hills, sweat and pure determination.

“I ran with Kelly and our mate Matt who was a very close friend of Jordans. They had been signed up to take part in the half marathon for a while but 2 weeks before the ‘big day’ I decided I needed to be part of this too so I can raise some money for the charity. What they do for young people is admirable and gives children of all ages the opportunity to have some well-deserved fun. I love a challenge and hate missing out, so I signed up! I wanted to do this for my friend Kelly to show her how much I support her with her amazing work for the JSFT. We ran 18km side by side till my legs gave in and I couldn’t run anymore. Kelly kept going all the way to the end, I got there not too long after finishing in 2hrs 18 minutes but let me tell you what a machine she is!

Earlier this year for Jordan’s 30th birthday I took part in another JSFT challenge in which I ran/walked/cycled 30 miles EACH week of February.

Over these 2 challenges this year, I have raised over £400 for the charity. I can’t wait for the next challenge!

Seeing Kelly battle through these past 4 years is nothing short of incredible, raising their daughter with the grief she has had to endure is enough to make me want to take part in any challenge for this amazing charity. She is an inspiration and so is the JSFT.”

If you would like to take on a challenge such as the Leeds Hald Marathon for the JSFT just like the wonderful Sian, please visit our fundraising page.

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